Grey Willow Clinic
Resources for Addictions
Provincial Adult Addiction Information Line
Toll free: 1-855-662-6605
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
1031 Portage Avenue
(204) 944-6200
Addictions Recovery Inc.
(204) 586-2550
Al-Anon/Alateen Central Services
107-2621 Portage Avenue
(204) 943-6051
Alcoholics Anonymous Manitoba
1856 Portage Avenue
(2040 942-0126
Toll free: 1-877-942-0126
Behavioural Health Foundation
35 avenue de la Digue, St. Norbert
(204) 269-3430
Cocaine Anonymous
(204) 936-0000
Esther House
(Second stage housing for women recovering from addiction)
(2040 582-4043
Families Anonymous
(204) 237-0336
Gamblers Anonymous
(204) 582-4823
Narcotics Anonymous
(204) 981-1730
Native Addictions Council Of Manitoba
160 Salter Street
(204) 586-8395
North End Women’s Centre Addiction Recovery Program
394 Selkirk Avenue
(204) 927-2428
Salvation Army Anchorage Program (Adults Only)
180 Henry Avenue
(204) 946-9401
Tamarack Rehab Inc
(Second stage addictions residential treatment, adults)
60 Balmoral Street
(204) 772-9836
Intake: (204) 775-1328
Youth addictions Centralized Intake Service