Grey Willow Clinic
Presently, our clinic is unable to accept new referrals for consultation.
Please check back in the future as this may change.
Dr. N. Husarewycz is pleased to once again offer weekly DBT Skills Training Group. This requires a physician's referral.
Graduates of past groups may still access the materials online using the password protected pages in the Menu.
Natasha Griffiths, MSW currently offers Couples Therapy. These services are not covered under Manitoba Health. Please contact for availability and fee schedule.
Natasha Griffiths, MSW currently offers Family Therapy. These services are not covered under Manitoba Health. Please contact for availability and fee schedule.
Jennifer Phillips, OT(Reg)MB presently offers individual therapy for children, adolescents and adults. These services are not covered under Manitoba Health. They may be covered under some Extended Health Benefit plans. Please contact for availability and fee schedule.
Brave Bites